Peter Bang and Sven Olufsen to be exact...
If you are on this page it is certainly that you are looking for a BO SP6/7 SP10 SP12E SP14 MMC20S MMC20E MMC20EN MMC20CL MMC3 MMC4 MMC5... These are rare parts, very hard to not cheap
However, there are Bernard and Richard from the Mirage Des Ondes company in Marseille who will perhaps be able to make your turntable and your ears vibrate again. They do the standard exchange of certain models by replacing the damaged or broken cantilever in their workshop. To my knowledge, these are the only ones in France. The cost of the service is around 125 euros + shipping, while a new part is around 450 euros for the MMC series.
By calling them on behalf of, delivery will be offered to you ;o)
Phone: 04 91 48 51 16
A word of advice, before buying a BO turntable, find out if the old stylus is functional and which cell your turntable has. It is not uncommon to find turntables around 200 euros without cartridge... The bill can quickly climb with a cartridge at 450 euros... Pleasure at a price.